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Version: v3


Step 1: Create data sources

You can create a data source through the following two operations. The first is to click the "+" button on the sidebar Data Source or click the Create a Data Source button on the Overview page to create.


Step 2: Set connection information

In the pop-up form, fill in and set the connection information, and click Submit to send.



  • Name: The display name of the database in Canner Enterprise, which can be modified later.
  • Data Source Type: Database type, please select S3.

Data Source Properties

File Format

Each data source of Canner Enterprise can only link one file format, and please select a Canner Enterprise supported file format you want to link here. For example, if you choose to link a file in CSV format, even if there are files in multiple data formats, including JSON, Excel, CSV, etc., under the specified path of S3, the system will only link the CSV file.


Fill in the path of the AWS S3 bucket you want to connect. The path format is: s3://<bucket-name>/<storage-root>

If the URI you fill in has special characters such as :?#[]@!$&'()*+;, the system will occur an error message. Please note that your bucket or file name cannot contain these characters.

Scan Type

1. Directory

The system will link all specified format files in your path directory. Please fill in the path of the folder you want to select in URI according to your folder structure and the following two link situations.

Example file structure:

├─ Orders/
│ ├─ Orders_2014.csv
│ ├─ Orders_2015.csv
├─ People/
│ ├─ People_East.csv
│ ├─ People_North.csv
│ ├─ People_South.csv
│ ├─ People_West.csv

Link scenario A. Each file under the specified path is an independent Table Link to Directory under URI s3://my-bucket/Superstore/Orders. After the connection is successful, this source will have two tables, Orders_2014 and Orders_2015, in Canner Enterprise.

Link scenario B. Each folder under the specified path is an independent Table Link to Directory under URI s3://my-bucket/Superstore. After the connection is successful, this source will have two tables, Orders and People in Canner Enterprise.


This scenario requires that all files in the folder have the same format and schema.

Recursive Scan

If there are folders in the specified path directory of your link, and you want all the folders to be queried in Workspace after the link is successful, you can check this option.

2. Single file path

The system will link to a single file at the path you specify. Fill in the file path of the file you want to select in URI.

Example file structure:

├─ Orders/
│ ├─ Orders_2014.csv
│ ├─ Orders_2015.csv

Example: link URI s3://my-bucket/Superstore/Orders/Orders_2014.csv file. After the connection is successful, this source will have a table Orders_2014 in Canner Enterprise.


If you select Excel as the File Format, you can only use the Single file path method to link files. Please fill in the link path of a single file, and the system will parse each worksheet (Sheet) in the Excel file into each Table.

3. Multiple file paths

The system will link all specified format files in your path directory, and you can explicitly select include/exclude specific files and then integrate into a single Table.


This usage requires that all the file formats and schemas of your include are the same.

In Basic URI, fill in the path of the folder directory you want to specify, and then continue to set the folder path of selected files to be included or excluded.

  • Include file paths: List the file paths you want to link under the Basic URI (support wildcard (*), such as /<folder-name>/*.csv)
  • Exclude file paths: List the file paths you want to exclude under Basic URI (support wildcard (*), such as /<folder-name>/*.csv)
Example file structure:

├─ 2021/
│ ├─ Orders_2021.csv
│ ├─ Orders_history.csv
│ ├─ People_2021.json
│ ├─ .metadata
├─ 2022/
│ ├─ Orders_2022.csv
│ ├─ People_2021.json
│ ├─ .metadata

Example: Link to Directory under Basic URI s3://my-bucket/Superstore. Include file paths: set /2021/Orders_2021.csv /2022/Orders_2022.csv Exclude file paths: Set /2021/Orders_history.csv After the connection is successful, this source will have a Superstore Table in Canner Enterprise, and the content of this Table is the integration of /2021/Orders_2021.csv /2022/Orders_2022.csv two files.

AWS Access Key & Secret Key

AWS user's access key, please refer to AWS - Manage IAM User's Access Key

S3 Endpoint

This item is for use if you want other repositories compatible with S3. If you want to know how to use it in detail, please get in touch with Canner Enterprise Support.

File Format Details

  • File content with headers: Whether the CSV file has a Header. If this option is switched on, the system will parse the first column of the file into the Column name.
  • Skip Lines: You can choose to skip the first few lines in the file and not import them.
  • Separator Character: Select the CSV file separator character.
  • Explore Timeout: Set the Timeout time for the system link to explore the data source. If the system connection fails and the Explore Timeout error is displayed in the Status error message, you can increase this parameter to extend the system analysis time.
  • Step 3: Complete the build

    After Submitting, the S3 data source will show up in the sidebar in a few moments, and you can click to enter the data source details page.
