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Version: v2

Support List

Supported file formats


Supported file formats

Cloud Data Lake

The currently supported Cloud Data Lakes are:

  1. AWS S3
  2. Azure Blob Storage
  3. Google Cloud Storage
  4. Hive

1. JSON file

2. Parquet file

  1. Parquet not generated by hive (parquet-mr) may not be supported

3. CSV file

  1. Delimiters support comma (,), pipe (|), tab (\t) and colon (:)
  2. Encoding only supports UTF8
  3. Columns with embedded SEPARATOR MUST be delimited with double-quote characters.

4. Apache ORC file

The currently supported version is ORC v1

5. Google Sheets

6. Excel

  • Support xls, xlsx
  • Support password-protected excel
  • Support most formulas in excel
  • Support automatic type conversion (support date, number type)

SQL database/ Data Warehouse

1. MySQL

Because there is not much difference between the minor version numbers, we test on the latest version of the major version number. For example, 5.5 will test 5.5.61.

  • MySQL 5.5.46 - 5.5.61
  • MYSQL 5.6.34 - 5.6.46
  • MySQL 5.7.16 - 5.7.28
  • MySQL 8.0.11 - 8.0.17

Currently unsupported types:

  1. Does not support zerofill and unsigned int
  2. Does not support time
  3. Does not support Spatial Data Types
  4. bit type only supports range = 1 (e.g, bit(1))

2. Oracle

  • Oracle 10g (Tested mainly on, partially supported)
  • Oracle 11g (tested on
  • Oracle 12c (tested on
  • Oracle 18c (tested on
  • Oracle 19c (tested on

Currently unsupported types:

  1. No XML support
  2. Does not support Timestamp with local zone
  3. URITYPE is not supported
  4. BFILE is not supported
  5. Does not support time

3. PostgreSQL

Because there is not much difference between the minor version numbers, we test on the latest version of the major version number. For example, 9.3 will test 9.3.25.

  • PostgreSQL 9.3.12 - 9.3.25
  • PostgreSQL 9.4.7 - 9.4.25
  • PostgreSQL 9.5.2 - 9.5.20
  • PostgreSQL 9.6.1 - 9.6.16
  • PostgreSQL 10.1 - 10.11
  • PostgreSQL 11.1 - 11.6
  • PostgreSQL 12
  • PostgreSQL 13

Currently unsupported types:

  1. Does not support time, timetz, interval
  2. Text Search Types are not supported
  3. Does not support txid_snapshot
  4. Does not support xml
  5. Does not support Network address types (macaddr, inet, cidr)
  6. Does not support bit, varbit
  7. Spatial Data Types are not supported
  8. Does not support Array with timestamptz, time, json, money

4. Microsoft SQL Server

Each version will have its service pack, and these service packs are not significantly different.

  • SQL Server 2008 (10)
  • SQL Server 2012 (11)
  • SQL Server 2014
  • SQL Server 2016
  • SQL Server 2017
  • SQL Server 2019 -Azure SQL Database

Currently unsupported types:

  1. tinyint is not supported
  2. Does not support DatetimeOffset
  3. SqlVariant is not supported
  4. Does not support time
  5. Does not support Spatial Data Types

5. Google BigQuery

  1. BIGNUMERIC and BIGDECIMAL are not supported
  2. GEOGRAPHY is not supported
  3. Does not support Query from View

6. Teradata


Currently unsupported types:

  1. Does not support smalldecimal
  2. Does not support demical
  3. Does not support clob
  4. Does not support nclob
  5. Does not support text
  6. Does not support array

8. SAP ASE(Sybase)

  • Does not support limit statement, should use limit as select top 1 * from table

Currently unsupported types:

  1. Does not support time
  2. Does not support bigdatetime
  3. Does not support bigtime

NoSQL database

1. MongoDB

Version support:

  • MongoDB 3.2
  • MongoDB 3.4
  • MongoDB 3.6
  • MongoDB 4.0
  • MongoDB 4.2
  • MongoDB 4.4

Currently unsupported types:

  1. Does not support BSON Bindata Type
  2. Does not support BSON Null Type
  3. Does not support BSON Timestamp Type. BSON has a special timestamp type for internal MongoDB use and is not associated with the regular Date type. Reference
  4. Does not support BSON Decimal Type The decimal BSON type uses the IEEE 754 decimal128 decimal-based floating-point numbering format. Reference

2. Cassandra

Version support:

  • Cassandra 2.2.x
  • Cassandra 3.x
  • Cassandra 2.1.x not supported

Currently unsupported types:

  1. Does not support custom type
  2. Does not support tuple type
  3. Does not support time type
  4. List, Set, Map type whose element type is custom type, tuple type, time type are not supported
  5. Maps with keys other than varchar type are not supported
  1. SCALED_FLOAT is not supported
  2. UNSIGNED_LONG is not supported
  3. CONSTANT_KEYWORD is not supported
  4. Date type with custom format is not supported