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Version: v2

psql (CLI)

Connect to Canner Enterprise using PostgreSQL's CLI tool (psql) as an example.

  • Enter the psql command
   psql -h <IP or host> -p <port> -d <workspace> -U canner

Example: psql -h -p 7432 -d test1_15598 -U canner
  • Password Enter Personal Access Token


Support Commands

General\copyrightshow PostgreSQL usage and distribution terms
General\crosstabviewexexecute query and display results in crosstabecute query and display results in crosstab
General\errverboseshow most recent error message at maximum verbosity
General\gexecute query (and send results to file or pipe)
General\gdescdescribe result of query, without executing it
General\gexecexecute query, then execute each value in its result
General\gsetexecute query and store results in psql variables
General\gxas \g, but forces expanded output mode
General\qquit psql
General\watchexecute query every SEC seconds
Help\hhelp on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commands
Help\?show help
Query Buffer\eEdit the query buffer
Query Buffer\efEdit function definition with external editor
Query Buffer\evEdit view
Query Buffer\pshow the contents of the query buffer
Query Buffer\rreset (clear) the query buffer
Query Buffer\sdisplay history or save it to file
Query Buffer\wwrite query buffer to file
Input/Output\copyperform SQL COPY with data stream to the client host
Input/Output\echowrite string to standard output
Input/Output\iexecute commands from file
Input/Output\iras \i, but relative to location of current script
Input/Output\osend all query results to file orpipe
Input/Output\qechowrite string to \o output stream
Input/Output\warnwrite string to standard error
Conditional\ifbegin conditional block
Conditional\elifalternative within current conditional block
Conditional\elsefinal alternative within current conditional block
Conditional\endifend conditional block
Informational\dlist tables, views, and sequences
Informational\dalist aggregates
Informational\dAlist access methods
Informational\dAclist operator classes
Informational\dAflist operator families
Informational\dAolist operators of operator families
Informational\dAplist support functions of operator families
Informational\dblist tablespaces
Informational\dclist conversions
Informational\dClist casts
Informational\ddshow object descriptions not displayed elsewhere
Informational\dDlist domains
Informational\ddplist default privileges
Informational\dElist foreign tables
Informational\deslist foreign servers
Informational\detlist foreign tables
Informational\deulist user mappings
Informational\dewlist foreign-data wrappers
Informational\dflist [only agg/normal/procedure/trigger/window] functions
Informational\dFlist text search configurations
Informational\dFdlist text search dictionaries
Informational\dFplist text search parsers
Informational\dFtlist text search templates
Informational\dglist roles
Informational\dilist indexes
Informational\dllist large objects, same as \lo_list
Informational\dLlist procedural languages
Informational\dmlist materialized views
Informational\dnlist schemas
Informational\dolist operators
Informational\dOlist collations
Informational\dplist table, view, and sequence access privileges
Informational\dPlist [only index/table] partitioned relations
Informational\drdslist per-database role settings
Informational\dRplist replication publications
Informational\dRslist replication subscriptions
Informational\dslist sequences
Informational\dtlist tables
Informational\dTlist data types
Informational\dulist roles
Informational\dvlist views
Informational\dxlist extensions
Informational\dylist event triggers
Informational\llist databases
Informational\sfshow a function's definition
Informational\svshow a view's definition
Informational\zsame as \dp
Formatting\atoggle between unaligned and aligned output mode
Formatting\Cset table title, or unset if none
Formatting\fshow or set field separator for unaligned query output
Formatting\Htoggle HTML output mode
Formatting\psetset table output option
Formatting\tshow only rows (currently off)
Formatting\Tset HTML table tag attributes, or unset if none
Formatting\xtoggle expanded output (currently off)
Connection\cconnect to new database
Connection\conninfodisplay information about current connection
Connection\encodingshow or set client encoding
Connectionconnection with PAT tailed with =Before PG 14, if PAT tailed with = , the = char will be trimmed.
Connection\passwordsecurely change the password for a user
Operating System\cdchange the current working directory
Operating System\setenvset or unset environment variable
Operating System\timingtoggle timing of commands (currently on)
Operating System\ !execute command in shell or start interactive shell
Variables\promptprompt user to set internal variable
Variables\setset internal variable, or list all if no parameters
Variables\unsetunset (delete) internal variable
Large Objects\lo_export
Large Objects\lo_import
Large Objects\lo_list
Large Objects\lo_unlinklarge object operations