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Version: v3

Data Access Workflow

Using Canner Enterprise, with our powerful access control design on our platform you can streamline your data access from sources to any user and group in the organization without leaving the platform.

Canner Enterprise has two main concept one is Data Source, another is Workspace.

Here's a typical data access control workflow:

  1. A Data Owner setup a new data source, and add Data Steward into the data source.
  2. Data Steward then authorized datasets into different needed workspaces.
  3. In the workspace, a Data Owner can add members into a workspace, a Data Analysts can analyze data through SQL explorer, and a Data Consumer can use the dataset in their reports and data applications.

Read the documentation by roles

If you want to start with reading the document by role you can start here:

Learn more about Data Source Access Control and Workspace Access Control.