

Severity Level Response Times

Severity LevelDefinitionInitial Response TimeCanner ResponsibilityCustomer Responsibility
L1: UrgentService down or operation critically impacted with no known workaround.4 business hourCanner will commit necessary resources until a resolution is achieved. Senior management immediately notified.Necessary resources committed to provide diagnostics to Canner as needed
L2: HighService/Operation highly impacted. Customer cannot use the key features or cannot temporarily avoid errors.16 business hoursCanner will commit resources during normal business hours to resolve issue or obtain Workaround.Resource available Monday-Friday during Customer local business hours to provide diagnostics to Canner as needed.
L3: NormalModerate to negligible impact on Service. Customer can still use some functionality of the Service without impacting business.32 business hoursCanner will commit necessary resources during normal business hours to restore operations to satisfactory levels.Resource available Monday-Friday during Customer local business hours to provide diagnostics to Canner as needed.
L4: LowLow-to-no impact on Customer’s access to and use of the Service.96 business hoursCanner will commit necessary resources during normal business hours to clarify issues and schedule for future release if necessary.Resource available Monday-Friday during Customer local business hours to provide diagnostics to Canner as needed.

Support Hours

Our support business hours starts from 9:00 to 18:00 (UTC+8) every Monday to Friday.